
A + P Komponenten AG – your distributor of electronic components throughout Switzerland

A+P Komponenten AG is an independent global distributor of electronic components. It was founded on
1 March 1998. Our head office has been located in Wollerau in the Swiss canton of Schwyz since 2004. The company has years of experience behind it and is well-established in the industry. We can therefore promise you detailed advice and products which meet the latest and most innovative standards.

Our core business is the global trade of active, passive and electrical devices and we are an official distributor for well-known manufacturers. Over 30 years’ experience in the sale and purchase of electronic components guarantees you will receive quick and proficient service at competitive prices. We offer you a wide range of services to assist in costly and time-consuming purchasing processes.

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please feel free to contact us, including by phone.

A + P Komponenten AG
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